"If Stones Could Talk, What an Adventurous Tale They Would Have to Tell" (Submittal to ‘Slice” 2022)
These works are a logical follow on to my 2020 work which focused on Deep Time, the unfathomable eons of the earth’s history that reveals itself in geologic strata. (That theme was the theme for my 2020 show at B. Sakata Garo). These works, which focus on stones gathered in the American River basin, are chosen to continue that focus on the amazing phenomena of Deep Time, but as reflected in individual stones.
Each stone was formed from the molten processes of the earth’s dynamic core/mantle/crust interaction; then a party to uplifted mountains; exposed to the forces of the freeze/thaw cycle as well as seismic forces; and then forced from their home to downstream alien lands.
Each stone reflects a part of that journey, either in remnants of the fault lines, seeping magma into the cracks and crevices, or simply in the smooth surface showing a millennium (or two) of pummeling. By elevating them by way of a ceramic base and focusing attention on their story, they become objects of justified admiration for their journey.
William Ishmael Artist Statement for Slice 2022